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Sunland Paving in Arizona
Paving & Overlays

Paving on Grade

When paving on grade, new asphalt is placed on finished subgrade or aggregate base material. The new asphalt is laid down using the same process as the overlay below.

Asphalt Overlays

An asphalt overlay is simply the process of installing a new surface layer of hot mix asphalt directly over existing asphalt on either parking lots or roads. In order to be a candidate for an overlay, a pavement should be relatively sound without large areas of base failure. Prior to resurfacing, pavement repairs and transitions must be made. Cracks should be filled with rubberized crack sealer, and a tack coat applied over the entire surface. A new layer of asphalt is then placed.

Fabric Overlay

Fabric overlay is a way to delay reflective cracking, although it will not prevent such cracking. Prior to placing a new layer of hot mix asphalt, a geo-textile fabric is embedded in liquid asphalt binder over the entire surface. The fabric/binder combination forms a membrane that helps keep water out of the base. The cost is approximately one-third greater than a basic overlay.

Let Sunland Pave the Way

Sunland has paved nearly 900 paving projects totaling $145 million over the last ten years for public and private clients alike.  With offices in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico, Sunland performs paving and overlay services nationally.

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Quality Asphalt Paving Project
Arizona Asphalt Paving Project
Asphalt Services in Residential Communities
Asphalt Paving Process by Sunland Asphalt
Asphalt Paving for Apartment Complexes
Highway Asphalt Paving Services
Sunland Team Performs Paving