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Sunland Selected for Two Contracts

04 April, 17 / Project Award, Project Spotlight

Hunt Highway Paving - 03.31.16 (18) - smSunland Asphalt has been selected for two contracts including the Arizona State Parks and Trails General Contractor Services and a Job Order Master Agreement for Paving Services with Pima County.

Arizona State Parks and Trails General Contractor Services

Sunland Asphalt was recently awarded a spot on the vendor list of Arizona State Parks and Trails General Contractor Services. The proposal was submitted in late February and was coordinated by our Public Works division. The proposal highlighted our strong resume of previous government-contracted work, varying project types and prompt responsiveness to on-call contracts, all of which sets Sunland Asphalt apart from competitors. According to the information provided in the SOQ, this is a 2-3 year contract that will yield several paving projects.

Job Order Master Agreement for Paving Services with Pima County

Sunland Asphalt was recently awarded a Job Order Master Agreement for Paving Services with Pima County. The proposal was submitted in early February and was a collaborative effort between our Public Works division and our Tucson office. The proposal highlighted our experience with JOC work, providing quality work at reasonable cost to the county, as well as our outstanding safety record and subcontractor selection process, all of which sets Sunland Asphalt apart from competitors. According to the information provided in the SOQ, paving projects for this contract may range from $10,000 – $500,000 individually, with no more than $1.5 million total spent annually on projects.